Chicken Breast Cooking Hacks: How to Avoid Dryness and Overcooking

Chicken breast is a healthy protein that's a part of many people's diets. However, cooking it perfectly can be challenging as chicken could become hard, overdone, and dry if you're not careful. But don't worry; you can cook juicy, tender chicken breasts with simple techniques and tricks. Start with Quality Chicken Breasts Look for fresh, hormone- and antibiotic-free, organic chicken breasts . These will have enough chicken breast protein and chicken breast calories. Brine the Chicken The process of bringing involves immersing the chicken in a saltwater solution. Doing this keeps the chicken moist and tender while it cooks. Mix 4 cups of water and 1/4 cup of salt to create a brine. The chicken breasts should soak in the solution for at least 30 minutes. Don't Overcook Your Chicken One of the biggest causes of dry, tough chicken breasts is overcooking. Check the internal temperature of the chicken with a meat thermometer to prevent this. Mak...