How to Store Marinated Meat

How to Store Marinated Meat? To soften the proteins in the meats, use a cutting element such as vinegar, citrus, or tomato when marinating. The more tender texture of the meat is due to the acidic components of the marinade. Many marinades contain some form of oil to increase moisture. Marinades for meat rely less on heavy marinades and a marinade requires a flavoring component, such as herbs, spices, sweeteners, or aromatics. The ingredient mixture should be reasonably thin so that it can easily absorb into the meat. How long can you store marinated meat? If you have purchased more meat than you can reasonably consume, putting marinated meat in the freezer is an alternative. It is okay to marinate everything and then freeze whatever you won't use right away. Proper food handling is critical, especially when dealing with perishables such as meats. The way you marinate and freeze the meat will impact the outcome. You will not have any trouble freezing your tas...