Eid al-Fitr and Chicken Breast: The Perfect Combination of Flavour and Nutrition

With Eid al-Fitr coming up just around the corner, now is the time to plan the menu for the biggest Muslim festival of the year! Since the cuisine on Eid ul-Adha barely has space for any meat other than beef and mutton, many people prefer to let lighter meats like chicken and turkey dominate their spread on Eid al-Fitr. Besides, after a month of fasts, what better way to get your appetite back up than a tender, flavourful chicken meal? Roasted or baked chicken breast is a popular household favorite, but plenty of chicken breast recipes online are lesser-known treasures. Chicken is a delicacy all year round, especially loved by young people. Since Eid al-Fitr is all about community and togetherness, you can treat your friends, family, and other loved ones to more than a few delicious and healthy chicken breast recipes without going to waste or being left over. For many people, a chicken-based diet is a good way to rebuild nutrition after a month of fasting. Howeve...