10 Heart Healthy Recipes with Beef

To all the beef lovers, here's good news for you all. There is no need to sacrifice the beef intake just cause you are fearful of its effects on your health. Lean beef has now been considered to be a part of the top two dietary patterns that are placed under the recommended for one's heart health. The main aim is to pair the beef with other nutrient-rich foods that in the long run will help ensure that your body receives the nutrients that are essential for it to function effectively without having to say goodbye to the delicious flavours you love. Here is a list of 10 heart-healthy recipes with beef: Beef chilli: The simple preparation of beef seasoned with the right amount of spice is what makes this dish easy yet so flavourful. Also, this dish is ideal for the night as it helps save more time and also all you need to do is put all the ingredients in a slow cooker and let it simmer. Beef Brisket coupled up with Savory Carrots and fresh dried Plum...